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Jon Fleischman

U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter on One Year Anniversary of Imprisonment of Ramos, Campean

This week marks the one-year anniversary since border patrol officers Ramos and Campean were placed behind bars.  California Congressman Duncan Hunter gave us the following words to commemorate this dark anniversary:

One year ago this week, agents Ramos and Compean entered federal prison for their involvement in wounding a fleeing drug smuggler along the Southern border.  And over the last year, Congress and the American people have repeatedly expressed their outrage that such an injustice has been allowed to occur.   

These agents were convicted solely on the testimony of the drug dealer, who has since been indicted on federal drug charges for running drugs into the United States while serving as a federal witness.  Most disturbingly, he did so with border crossing cards he obtained for his cooperation.  We have also since learned that this information was withheld from the jury. 

The credibility of the drug dealer has been severely damaged and his testimony cannot be trusted, yet agents Ramos and Compean remain in prison.  These agents do not deserve their sentences, nor should they have to stay in jail one more day.  The President must act and pardon agents Ramos and Compean. 

The President has already missed several opportunities to pardon agents Ramos and Compean, and we are left to ask ourselves whether he will ever revisit this case, as he said he would, and correct this miscarriage of justice.  It is one year later and the President is being offered yet another opportunity to do the right thing.

Pardoning agents Ramos and Compean will ensure this injustice is corrected and signal to the American people that we are serious about protecting our borders, as well as those who choose to accept this dangerous responsibility.

2 Responses to “U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter on One Year Anniversary of Imprisonment of Ramos, Campean”

  1. Says:

    Congressman Hunter is right on the mark here. Remember readers the testimony of a cross border DRUG DEALER sent two of our own to prison.

  2. Says:

    You’re absolutely right Duane. It’s also another sad day for the men and women that protect our borders. One of their own was run over and killed today by an illegal alien drug smuggler down in Imperial County. Look for Johnny Sutton to press charges against the Border Patrol for putting a dent in the drug smuggler’s truck.