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Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary: Sen. George Runner – Nunez/Schwarzenegger Health Care Bill: Empty Promises

Today we are pleased to offer this guest commentary from FR Friend, State Senator George Runner.  Runner is Chairman of the Senate Republican Caucus…

Nunez-Schwarzenegger health care bill: Empty promises
By Senator George Runner
Despite all of the promises from Speaker Fabian Nunez and Governor Schwarzenegger about their “universal” health care proposal, the fact is very few Californians will benefit but most of them will pay heavily. And that’s why it won’t past muster with voters in November 2008

The truth is, more than 30 million Californians already have health care coverage through their employers or as a retirement benefit through Medicare or the Veterans Administration. Poor and disabled Californians receive coverage through Medi-Cal, Medicare, Healthy Families or other government programs.

A recent Field Poll confirms that most Californians are insured and worry the most about the rising costs of health care premiums, hospital fees and prescription drugs. The poll also found that the majority of Californians are concerned about limited access to quality physicians and healthcare facilities, and long waits for treatment and care.

**There is more – click the link**

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