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Matthew J. Cunningham

A Suggestion for Bill Lockyer

The environmentalism-uber-alles crowd wields a lot of influence in the California Democratic Party, and State Treasurer Bill Lockyer — who wants to be Governor some day — today reached out from the pages of the Los Angeles Times to remind them he’s  still with  them on their pet cause: stopping completion of the 241 tollroad in South Orange County.

Lockyer urged the California Coastal Commission to find the proposed route inconsistent with the federal Coastal Zone Management Act. Lockyer claims the goal of traffic relief can "be accomplished with alternative means that do no environmental harm."

Lockyer is referring to widening Interstate 5, which would entail the destruction of hundreds of homes, businesses, churches, schools and other institutions.

I have a suggestion for Lockyer. I’ll obtain a list of the properties that would be obliterated in order to widen the 5, and he can visit each homeowner, each business owner, property owner, each school head and tell them:

"Hi! I’m Bill Lockyer. You may not know me, but I am your state Treasurer.

Traffic is really bad so I want to let you know we’re going to take your home in order to widen the 5 freeway.

Sure, we could finish the 241 tollroad instead, but frankly you and your home are less important to me and the powerful environmental interest in my party than habitat for Pacific Pocket Mice and Steelhead Trout no one has seen.

After all, isn’t that why you elect people like me to office? To protect your interests?"

I look forward to hearing from Mr. Lockyer, especially if I can bring along a video camera for this particular precinct walk..