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Matthew J. Cunningham

OC Political Update: Big Win For Janet Nguyen

1st Supervisor District
Score a big win for OC Supervisor Janet Nguyen. The California Court of Appeals just issued a ruling upholding last year’s OC Superior Court decision that made her the winner of the 1st Supervisor District special election over Trung Nguyen by a mere 3 votes. Trung appealed that ruling, seeking to be declared the winner.

This comes on the heels of last week’s surprise decision by former state Sen. Joe Dunn not to challenge her re-election, leaving OC Democrats scrambling for a candidate.

71st Assembly District
Mission Viejo Councilman John Paul Ledesma has dropped out of the GOP primary and endorsed Corona Mayor Jeff Miller, the leading fund-raiser in the race. You can read my take on this here.

One Response to “OC Political Update: Big Win For Janet Nguyen”

  1. Says:

    Despite the obvious temptation to declare JP’s endorsement a win for Miller, trust me this is a very bitter-sweet pill for the Miller for Assembly campaign.

    Simply put, the best way that JP could have helped Miller would have been to stay in the race, leaving his name, and more importantly, his Mission Viejo Mayor title on the ballot.

    Up until this announcement, Blais was severely handicapped with JP in the race since this is a two-county district, and the more candidates on the Orange County “side” of AD 71, the better for Miller, the only candidate from Riverside County.