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Jon Fleischman

Nunez’ “Big Lie” Yes on 93 Campaign Pulls TV Advertising

We would like to issue a sincere warning to anyone or any group that has legislation pending in the State Legislature that could impact them — stay away from Speaker Fabian Nunez or you WILL get fleeced by him to "give" big bucks to his self-served, career-extending Yes on Proposition 93 Committee.

While we know that many such individuals and entities have already had a "cashectomy" from Nunez, apparently those millions simply aren’t enough. 

How do we know this?

The Yes on 93 Campaign in the last couple of days has CANCELED over HALF OF A MILLION DOLLARS in reserved TV time in five media markets.

You chances of seeing a Yes on 93 commercial on ABC, CBS, or Fox in the Fresno Area has gone down.  Or if you live in Los Angeles, look for less Yes on 93 propaganda on CBS, NBC, ABS, FOX and KCAL (over $300,000 of the dropped buys were in the LA market).  In the Capitol City?  Time on UPN and FOX has been slashed.  San Francisco?  Your CBS. ABC, NBC, and FOX affiliates have had Yes on 93 ads canceled (and KRON, too!)  How about San Diego?  Yep – more cancellations.  ABC, NBC and FOX.

Ironically, this comes right at the time when you figure that Fabian Nunez is anxious to exploit the endorsement finagled out of Arnold (in return for supporting the health care debacle plan).   But then, given how quickly the Yes on 94,95, 96, 97 Indian Compact campaign stopped using their Schwarzenegger video, perhaps the Governor’s not quite the "closer" that they hope he will be.

There is simply no way to "spin" canceling precious media time.  In this crazy time of year, with so many interests trying to influence voters, once you cancel it, you likely won’t get it back.

In the meantime, if I were you, I would avoid Fabian Nunez.  Clearly, he is NOT having a good day.

3 Responses to “Nunez’ “Big Lie” Yes on 93 Campaign Pulls TV Advertising”

  1. Says:

    Jon, Sometimes your enthusiasm for your cause clouds your good political judgment.

    In the first week that absentee ballot voters had a chance to vote (all last week), the Yes on 93 side was up on air almost entirely by itself (with the exception of parts of the Central Valley) and as a Republican absentee ballot voter I received a piece of mail with a quote from former Senate Republican leader Jim Brulte.

    While there is still almost two and a half weeks to go before Feb. 5, the No side can never get last week back. You know the first thing they teach at campaign school is that time is the most important commodity in any campaign.

  2. Says:

    Steve Poizner got a full HALF HOUR today with John & Ken on their
    highly-rated afternoon drive talk show which covers LA, OC and the
    Inland Empire from KFI radio.

    Poizner recited the arguments against Prop. 93, and added a
    “pointer” to the No-on-93 website:

    A Free half hour with John & Ken’s huge audience of listeners is a
    big deal in southern California. Steve Poizner made the most of
    it with an excellent presentation.

    After he left, John & Ken mentioned the CCPOA has “doubled down”
    by donating another $1 Million to the No-on-93 forces.

  3. Says:

    I’m a Decline to State voter who is voting by mail and I have not received one piece of mail from either Yes or No on 93. My neighbor who is a registered Republican received the Republican Party slate urging No on 93. The No on 93 commercials are very effective and they have a much easier time making the No argument than the Yes side does.