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Barry Jantz

Guv in San Diego: Taxes the Wrong Approach

I just left the Governor’s visit to San Diego, one in a series of around-the-state meetings to discuss the budget crisis and state fiscal reform, ala "spend what you take in and no more."

About 50 folks at Mission Trails Regional Park Visitors Center, including Mayor Jerry Sanders, SD Councilmembers Scott Peters and Jim Madaffer, County Supe Greg Cox, Escondido Mayor Lori Holt Pfeiler, Solana Beach Mayor Joe Kellejian, and various board members from Taxpayers Association and area chambers of commerce, as well as a handful of firefighters.

A good overall presentation by the governor on living within means.  An interesting response to a question about the reason for pushing forward with healthcare reform during a budget crisis:  "Healthcare reform is revenue neutral and nothing to do with the budget."  Many might argue that point, but the overall message was loud, clear and reiterated:

"One thing I don’t recommend is taking care of this budget problem with increased taxes….that would be the complete wrong approach."