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Jon Fleischman

Paul Hegyi’s Mailbox

Despite California’s prominent role in this year’s Presidential nominating process for the GOP, I have yet to receive any mail from a Presidential contender.  But my good friend Paul Hegyi, who is a candidate for Assembly, and Chief of Staff for Assemblyman Van Tran, did.  It wasn’t from Rudy Giuliani, nor Mitt Romney.  It wasn’t from John McCain nor was it from Fred Thomspon.

Check out the links below to see the front and back of the mailing from…  Aww, we’re not going to spoil the surprise.  Look yourself!

4 Responses to “Paul Hegyi’s Mailbox”

  1. Says:

    Awesome! Go Ron Paul!

  2. Says:

    Well, we have the candidate who sent Paul this mail campaigning in CA. The February move up of the primary election brought someone to campaign…I see his signs up in various locations throughout Riverside County and he has packs of people on street corners waving signs on the weekends.

  3. Says:

    I got it as well but assumed it was because I registered on his website.

  4. Says:

    I received a 10 minute DVD from an independent expenditure group called Ron Paul Reveres with Paul and media sound bites asking people to re- register as Republicans to vote for him.

    They don’t have the usual legalities like the “paid for by”, etc on anything.