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Barry Jantz

Breaking News: Maienschein to Run for City Attorney

Cross posted at Red County San Diego….

San Diego City Councilmember Brian Maienschein just confirmed with me he will run for SD city attorney.  This after a rumor that he was introduced as a candidate at a Rancho Bernardo Chamber of Commerce mixer last night.

"I have been encouraged for awhile to run and I will be doing so," Maienschein said, "The important thing is to beat Mike Aguirre.  I think I have a good chance."

He further indicated that a formal announcement is planned in the next two weeks.

I’ll leave any analysis for later.  As a recap, however, Deputy D.A. Bill Gentry dropped out of the race earlier in the week, opting to endorse Judge (and former Assemblyman) Jan Goldsmith.  Goldsmith has been endorsed by the County Republican Party.  Former SD Unified Schools Superintendent Alan Bersin is still analyzing his chances.

Maienschein, as well as Goldsmith are Republicans.

One Response to “Breaking News: Maienschein to Run for City Attorney”

  1. Says:

    What kind of a person would do a good job in office if the reason they are running is to “The important thing is to beat Mike Aguirre. I think I have a good chance.”
    I guess if you are one of the “good old boys” and some one is checking on “good old boys” to make sure they are abiding the law, then you need to get them out of the way and get back to “Taminy Hall San Diego style.