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Tab Berg

Romney Wins in Michigan: 3 states, three different far

In three match ups on the GOP side, there have been 3 different winners – Huckabee in IA, McCain in NH, and now Romney in MI. 

If Thompson pulls off a win in SC, and Giuliani wins in FL (either is possible) – then I’ll have to take back my early comment about CA’s early primary being just about the Legislators Job Protection Act (also known as Prop 93), because CA and NY might be the bi-coastal "deciders" on the GOP side…but still…to quote the Bakesfield Californian, "No on Prop 93 – don’t swallow this Baloney."

Here’s an excerpt from C&E:

Romney Wins Michigan Primary
Shane D’Aprile, Jan 15, 2008

In what amounted to a must win for his presidential campaign, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is the projected winner of tonight’s Michigan presidential primary. With 11 percent of precincts reporting, Romney has 37 percent of the vote; McCain, 31 percent. Last week, Romney pulled his resources out of South Carolina and Florida to focus solely on the state where his father was once governor — a strategy that appears to have paid off.

“It really brings the race back to square one,” said Republican media strategist Dan Schnur. “The momentum [Romney] will get from Michigan may make up for his lack of advertising and presence in South Carolina the last week or so.”

6 Responses to “Romney Wins in Michigan: 3 states, three different far”

  1. Says:

    3 winners, 4 states. Romney won Wyoming. Let’s not forget Wyoming; heck, Duncan earned a delegate there.

    But, Tab, your point remains the same!

  2. Says:

    Alas, the incomparable former La Mesa Councilman and eminent family man has pointed out my error – I forgot WY, but then don’t we all!

    PS – I think San Diego has more delegates than WY (which indeed awarded 8 to Mitt, 3 to Fred and 1 to San Diego’s own Duncan Hunter!)

  3. Says:

    Gotta love those Wyoming Republican voters. They know where their party stands.

    However, it’s SOUTH Carolina, not North Carolina, on Saturday Tab. According to Rasmussen, Thompson’s the only one with any momentum in the first Southern Primary state.

  4. Says:

    Ouch – strike two. I’m going to have stop trying to watch the news, bath the babies and write a blog at the same time…

  5. Says:

    Oh, I know it was a totally innocent mistake Tab. I apologize if I seemed harsh.

    Fred Thompson’s campaign manager Bill Lacy on the Michigan results:

    “…Mike Huckabee’s campaign to be John McCain’s Vice President has hit a snag. He has gone from the mid-thirties in Iowa to 11% in New Hampshire and now about 15% in Michigan.

    “On higher taxes and looser immigration, Huckabee has been done his best these past few weeks to mimic McCain. But this is nothing new. In fact, while John McCain was leading the Senate charge to grant amnesty for illegal immigrants, Mike Huckabee was one of the loudest cheerleaders. And at the same time McCain was voting against the Bush tax cuts, Huckabee was in Arkansas increasing taxes some 21 times.

    “As for Mitt Romney, he has been all over the map on virtually every issue important to conservative voters.”

    Bring on South Carolina!

  6. Says:

    Ron Paul beat two GOP heavyweights last night in Michigan…Rudy Giuliani and Fred Thompson.