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Jon Fleischman

Proposition 93 Trojan Truth Horse Goes On The Road

This morning FR friends and anti-tax stalwarts Lew Uhler and Jon Coupal spoke to a crowded sidewalk full of reporters in front of the belly of the beast (the YES on Prop 93 headquarters!) about their opposition to Prop. 93, the Nunez-Perata power grab.

Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Tax Association, spoke about the sham of Prop. 93. He let reporters know that although Nunez and Perata are telling voters that this measure shortens term-limits, the fact of the matter is that it will really lengthen them for the majority of officeholders in Sacramento. He also pointed out that Núñez and Perata broke their promise to the people of California by not including redistricting in this proposal, which makes it an incomplete attempt at reform.

Following that, Uhler laid into the real reasons behind this measure. As the author of the original bill that created term-limits in California, I can think of no one more qualified to speak on the issue.

FR’s very own Brandon Powers is going to be on the road with the Trojan Truth Horse in the coming days. I’m looking forward to hearing his dispatches from the road!

One Response to “Proposition 93 Trojan Truth Horse Goes On The Road”

  1. Says:

    I’m a little confused. Without redistricting in this proposal wouldn’t it be prudent to vote in favor of Prop.93? Without redistricting we would surely lose legislators like Tom McClintock, among others, to another liberal Democrat. Republicans don’t stand a chance in most of the districts in California, which is why we are the minority party. Absent the redistricting component shouldn’t we be voting in favor of 93? Please enlighten.