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Jon Fleischman

Governor in Health Care/Term Limits Quid Pro Quo? Governor to break promise, and endorse Fabian Nunez’ Term Limits Weakening Initiative

FlashReport readers need to hold onto your desk chairs as we share with you some disturbing and terrible news.  We have learned from VERY reliable sources that the Governor is about to ENDORSE Proposition 93, the Fabian Nunez "Big Lie" Term Limits Weakening Initiative.  Yes you read that correctly — counter to the many commitments that he has publicly made to the opposite effect, the Governor is about to bail on his apparently untruthful position in support of California’s existing term limits laws. 

I think that perhaps the worst part about the Governor doing this (worse than going back on his word, and worse than opposing the official position of his own party) is that according to my same VERY reliable sources, this endorsement has nothing to with the underlying policy issue of term limits.  Rather, that the Governor is endorsing Nunez’ self-serving measure in return for Nunez’ support on the health care/tax hike package.  Actually, my sources tell me that the Governor actually wants Nunez to stay in place in order to have his help to raise money and campaign next year for the health care/tax hike plan.  This may sound unbelievable — but, yet, I believe it.

Oh, I hear that some sort of "fig leaf" endorsement by Nunez of the Common Cause redistricting measure that the Governor is supporting is in the making — to provide some cover.  But I will remind the Governor and all of our readers that Nunez screwed over the Governor and other negotiators who were insisting that redistricting reform accompany a term limits reform measure on the SAME BALLOT, tied together.  Nunez backing some measure that will supposedly appear on some future ballot is a shameful retreat from the Governor.  (Of course if the redistricting plan is a real and good one, all of Nunez’ allies will destroy it anyways.)

But then, it appears that the Governor’s personal goal of moving us towards socialized medicine in California is a higher priority than keeping his word, and showing the Fabian Nunez’ of the world what happens when they break their word.

I’m told that the Governor’s announcement will come in the form of an opinion piece in tomorrow’s Los Angeles Times (although perhaps they will break it sooner since obviously the word is now out). 

I don’t have the right words to express how thoroughly disappointed I am in this terrible decision that the Governor has apparently made.  I strongly urge him to change his mind.  What was the point of defeating Phil Angelides if re-electing the Governor gets us the same public policy and political positions.

By endorsing Proposition 93, Arnold Schwarzenegger will become the tool of the very same special interests that he vowed to "sweep" out of the Capitol. 

Of course, since the "shoe" hasn’t dropped quite yet, there is still time for the Governor to return to his senses.  What’s good for Fabian Nunez is very, very bad for California.

4 Responses to “Governor in Health Care/Term Limits Quid Pro Quo? Governor to break promise, and endorse Fabian Nunez’ Term Limits Weakening Initiative”

  1. Says:

    Arnold selling us out again is not a newsflash. He’s been doing it ever since he got elected and went back on his promise to “blow up the boxes”. I’m not upset at all. I expect this from him. He’s acting(no pun intended) normally. I’m just curious how much longer it will take him to go back on his no new taxes pledge. My guess is not very long. He’s a complete disaster. He’s ruined our budget. He only cares about Arnold. I am so glad I voted for Art Olivier last year.

  2. Says:

    Damn it, you people fell all over yourselves to support this guy and get him elected, knowing full well what he was, now you’re shocked he’s throwing you under the bus like you did to your principles? “Cuz only Schwarzenegger can win’? Give me a break.

    I am glad I never voted for this fool. I wish more of my friends could say the same. Maybe someday people will start to value the principles they say they hold dear once again.

  3. Says:

    The Governor has spoken and he is for Prop 93. And looking at the issue dispassionately, that might not be a bad decision. If term limits are not modified, the Republicans may lose seats and no longer be able to block an override of a veto of big tax increases. Think about it. If the Republicans take Jon’s advise and support only candidates that Jon supports, and term limits modification loses, all of California taxpayers lose too.

  4. Says:

    So what is it going to take to get the Schwarzenegger Recall started? Our state cannot afford three more years of this neo-Marxist and his big-spending ways!

    We Republicans need to stop pretending that the Governor is “one of us” or that he can change. While his rhetoric has swung back and forth between conservative and liberal, his actual policies and his actual appointments have been consistently left-wing. Actions speak louder than words. The only question is when people will start paying attention.