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Brandon Powers

Baric & Steel Take LA County Party Endorsement

At last night’s County Republican Party meeting in Los Angeles, both Steve Baric (candidate for CRP Secretary) and Shawn Steel (candidate for CRP’s National Committeeman) came away with the endorsements.

For Baric, it was just the latest endorsement in what has continued to be a campaign that shows no signs of slowing down. While rumors initially existed of certain folks attempting to recruit a candidate to challenge Steve, with his continued momentum that also recently includes endorsements from Keen Butcher, honcho of the County Chairmen’s Association, and Mindy Fletcher, former Deputy Campaign Manager for the Gov’s Re-elect, Steve clearly is planning on pushing hard all the way through the Convention next month.

The more interesting of the endorsements last night was for National Committeeman – one of the CRP’s representatives (along with the National Committeewoman and the CRP Chairman) to the Republican National Committee. Incumbent Tim Morgan took the time to fly down from Monterey to speak to the Central Committee meeting and to try to shake enough hands and twist enough arms to either get the endorsement outright for himself, or at least block an endorsement for Shawn Steel – who as a member of the County Party in LA had a home court advantage.

Well, Tim’s plans didn’t exactly go as planned. He did get four votes. But, compared to Shawn’s twenty-seven, they did him little good in even blocking an endorsement. I guess when you support letting non-Republicans choose the Republican Presidential nominee, and when you pen works of fiction in the pages of the San Francisco Chronicle, the natives get a little restless – or rather, the rank and file can’t wait to throw you out of office.

Congrats to both Steve and Shawn!