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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Governor, Take The Take Hike Out Of The Proposed Budget

Later today, the Governor is going to unveil is proposed 2007-2008 budget.  Based on the portions of his State of the State Address from earlier in the week, it sounds like a budget proposal that our readers will like.

Although the State of the State left us in a doubt as to the Governor’s reasons for proposing pretty heavy cuts in state government (we here at the FR feel that significant cuts in state government levels would be a good thing whether the state had enough tax income or not — because we also think that taxes are too high in the Golden State), we are pleased that for very pragmatic reasons, the Governor has pulled out his red pen.

In order to spend more time heaping anticipated praise on the Governor’s proposed budget, I thought I would take a little bit of time to focus some sharp criticism on one small part of the Governor’s plan — a proposal to tax property insurance premiums for every policy, residential and commerical in the state.  This proposal would increase the size of state government by over a hundred million bucks a year, said moneys to go towards helping the state’s efforts to fight wildfires.

**There is more – click the link**

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One Response to “Today’s Commentary: Governor, Take The Take Hike Out Of The Proposed Budget”

  1. Says:

    Also, I reached out to Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, to get his take on this. Jon minced no words nor wasted no time in giving me this statement:


    Who cares what the HJTA thinks? They helped foist proposition BBB on Los Angeles voters back in 1997 and the money, suprise, was wasted. It went to the new school Belmont, not what it was supposed to do.

    One of the reason that our Republican Party is in such trouble is because of the likes of the HJTA having input into it.

    The time for a house-cleaning has long sinced passed.