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Matthew J. Cunningham

John Ziegler Zaps KFI’s John & Ken

I came to the conclusion John & Ken were intellectual frauds during the 35th Senate special election back in 2005, when they viciously and dishonestly turned on then-state Sen. John Campbell and propped up Jim Gilchrist like puppeteers.

So it was interesting to read this website posted by former KFI talk show host John Ziegler called

In it, Ziegler chronicles his career at KFI, the key role John & Ken played in his forced exit and his opinion, based on observing them for four years, that J & K are entertainers pretending to be a couple of Howard Beals.

A friend e-mailed the link to me, and the site must be getting overwhelmed with traffic because when I clicked the next page it usually wouldn’t load until after several attempts.

One Response to “John Ziegler Zaps KFI’s John & Ken”

  1. Says:

    For our friends outside Southern California, “John & Ken” are afternoon Drive-time
    radio talk hosts on a station heard throughout the Region. They have been a fixture
    for about a dozen years, with high ratings and plenty of controversy.

    They are political Mavericks, sometimes ridiculing Demos (LA Mayor “Tony Villar”
    is a favorite target), and sometimes a GOPer (notably Rep. David Dreier).

    But on two MAJOR issues in recent years, John & Ken performed a real Public service
    for vital causes most California Conservatives can applaud.

    (1) For hours at a time, for weeks on end, they talked up the Gray Davis Recall in early
    2003, when that project looked very dicey. The constant exposure on KFI gave the
    Recall instant credibility and visibility . When Team Darrell Issa added organizational
    muscle, the Recall qualified. John & Ken continued daily updates throughout the
    ensuing campaign.

    (2) In 2004, statewide polls showed that a measure destroying the “3 Strikes” anti-Crime
    Law was going to pass. Again, John & Ken dropped everything else in the closing weeks
    to inform voters what this deceptive measure (Proposition 66) would really do. With critical
    leadership from Gov. Schwarzenegger, Prop. 66 was barely defeated, 52% – 48%.

    In the 3 counties which make up the heart of, “John & Ken Land” (Orange, Riverside and
    San Berdoo), Prop. 66 lost by 500,000 votes, or about the margin of its statewide defeat.

    They are sometimes pointlessly rude and abrupt, but 8 times out of 10 John & Ken end up
    on the Conservative side of California issues.