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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

What We Should Have Discussed ON The CRP Call Today

I’ve been a member of the California Republican Party since 1993, an Executive Committee member since 1995, and Party Treasurer from 1999-2001.  We had a conference call today with Chairman Ron Nehring to discuss strategy for 2008.  While I will not get into the details on the call, I would like to make some observations:

1.  The Governor left the State Party a steaming pile of crap, in the form of debt, from the 2006 campaign;

2.  Not much has been done by the Governor, to be charitable, to help the Party retire it’s debt and build up a campaign war chest – he simply doesn’t care;

3.  This is because, while the Governor, by virtue of being a (debatable) Republican, is traditionally the key fundraiser for the Party – this Governor’s actions convey a singular interest in one cause – his own approval ratings;

4.  State Party Chairman Ron Nehring, like all previous State Party chairman, really can’t raise money apart from the help of a President and / or Governor – not Ron’s fault, although at some point, a chairman should at least TRY to raise money on his own;

5.  So, the State Party is limping along, with no money, and really nothing of substance to do in 2008, as neither side is going to contest the general election here in November;

6.  As a result, what we should have talked about today:  when do we pass a resolution opposing the Governor’s health care takeover?  How do we gear up to oppose the ballot measure, and raise money for same?  How does the Party pressure every member of the Assembly and Senate to commit, in writing, to a "no tax increase" pledge?  How can the Party litigate against the Governor’s proposed fee increases?

These would be worthy topics of discussion. The Governor clearly isn’t putting any effort into rehabbing the Party’s finances, and is now full time cleaning up the mess he has created in Sacramento.  Since we don’t really need him, why are we being deferential?  Let’s blow up his health care plan, and get on the record against the massive fee increases coming in his budget.

 Now, that WOULD bring people back to the Party, and give us something to do that would be really meaningful.