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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: The GOP Presidential Primary, and my chat with Giuliani Campaign Manager Mike DuHaime

California Republican Party Chairman Ron Nehring commented, after the results of the New Hampshire primary tonight that, “It’s clear following tonight’s results that Californians will vote before it’s clear who will carry each party’s banner into November.  As a result, Californians have more influence over the ultimate result of this primary contest than at any time in recent memory.”

This is very true.  As we get closer to the February 5 Super Duper Tuesday voting where California along with 23 other states will be holding their primaries, it becomes more and more likely that no candidates will have a real lock on their respective party’s nomination. 

Before I pen some thoughts about the GOP Presidential primary, I want readers to know that as an elected officer of the California Republican Party, I have neither endorsed nor do I support any individual candidates in the race for the nomination…

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