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Jon Fleischman

CA GOP Presidental Delegate Lists

UPDATE 1:55 PM:  WHAT THE BUCK?  I thought I would add another interesting aside (which I am sure my friend Martin Wisckol at the Orange County Register’s Total Buzz blog will enjoy) — the one name that I thought for sure would appear as a delegate for Mike Huckabee is Orange County’s Buck Johns.  Buck, who hails from Arkansas, held a huge event for Huckabee at his home and is quite enthusiastic about Huck.  Fascinating.

OK – thanks to Democrat Secretary of State Debra Bowen, all of the submitted delegate lists for the GOP Presidential candidates are available on the SoS website here.

I note with some interest that California "Favorite Son" candidate Duncan Hunter did not even both to submit a delegate list, even to name three prospective delegates should he win his own House seat.  A strong indicator that he is in the process of ending his ersatz candidacy.

Heck, even Alan Keyes, whom I frankly forgot was "running" for President, submitted seven prospective delegates.

Frankly, given the "newness" of his surge, I was very impressed that former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee was able to field a full 179 list of potential delegates — no small feat!  

Ron Paul also posted a full list – as did McCain, Giuliani, Thompson and Romney.

As an aside, I actually inquired of the Paul campaign to get their list yesterday for FR readers to peruse.  I found it interesting, and a bit alarming that they – refused.  They basically said it was none of our business, and that we could file a public records request with the state to get the inforation.  OK, that is just bizarre.  Ron Paul’s a great man, but is ill served by people who want to treat life as one big vast cospiracy.