No Failure To Launch-Term Limit Extension Proposal Out Today
Shane Goldmacher on Capitol Alert reports the much anticipated proposal to lengthen term limits will be brought outwith submission to the Attorney General’s office today. Presenting it are Speaker Nunez’s consultant Gale Kaufman and Matthew Dowd of the Schwarzenegger campaign, giving it"bipartisan" cover.
The proposal as a selling point, calls for the "shortening" of total time served from 14 to 12 years, as we’ve been hearing, maxing at up to 12 years in one house. Here’s the funny part, if you are already in the Senate now, you can get an extra "transitional" term that allows up to 16 Legislator years…or,would it be18 if you served 6 years in the Assembly already and want to do 3 Senate terms? Or what if youcame inona half term in the Senate on a special election, maybe you get 14 Senate years then?
I’m not a Greek mathematician or anything but those numbers allseem bigger than 12 to me. Other details should be interesting too, like can previously termed out… Read More