Using New Technology: CRA’s Tele-Townhall with McClintock
The California Republican Assembly sponsored a Tele-Townhall with State Seneator Tom McClintock last night. What is a Tele-Townhall?? Basically it is a new way to communicate and get your message out. Instantly thousand of autodials can go out to a phone list and then patch through all the individuals to a conference call type event. Then our star, in this Tom McClintock” can discuss ideas and get feedback from the listeners. The listeners can ask questions. It has a radio talk show kind of feel. It is much more personal than a “live chat”. Last night’s call was for CRA members past and present. We had around 1500 connections. Those that weren’t home got a message referring them to the website. Tom was in Saramento; I was in West Covina then later driving to Fullerton as the call progressed. While at home on the computer, the hosts could see a panel that included who wanted to ask questions and how many people were on the call at any given moment. It was pretty cool. … Read More