One letter writer in this morning’s Fresno Bee says it all regarding the State’s attempted takeover of health care.
[We are reprinting the text of the Letter linked above, below, because a number of people have reported problems with the Bee’s website]
What ‘right’?
12/24/07 08:28:03
So, Assembly Speaker Fabian Núñez says, "Fundamentally, health care is a right and not a privilege … ." Hmm. Where in the constitution, U.S. or California, is that "right" granted? I can’t find it. However, if it is a right, can I get a refund for all the thousands of dollars my wife and I paid over many years for our "right"?
And, Fresno Mayor Alan Autry says he’d like to know where, in the "Republican Commandments," it says, "Thou shall not have health care." Well, where does it say "Thou must have health care"?
Another state-run health agency? Terrific! Has anyone paid attention to Medi-Cal or worker’s comp? There’s a couple of efficiently operated programs for you.
California government running health care for all? Shoot, if the state ran the Sahara Desert, it would run out of sand.
Tom Flanagan