‘Twas the week before the non-denominational winter break (we call it Christmas), and all through California’s house not a Lobbyist was stirring, not even a Democrat Louse;
As the campaign stockings hung by the chimney, the state’s cupboards were bare,
In hopes that a Christmas miracle soon would be there;
The Democrats were nestled snuggly in their beds,
While visions of relaxed terms limits danced in their heads;
And Núñez in his ‘kerchief, and Perata in his cap,
Had just settled down in hopes that Californians will forget the budget gap,
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
They sprang from the Capitol to see what was the matter.
Away to the window they flew like a flash,
Tore open the state’s wallet and withdrew all the cash.
With their approval ratings near an all-time low,
They looked for a labor group who needed a favor for them to bestow,
When, what to their wondering eyes should appear,
But a so-called miniature debt with fourteen billion to clear,
With their complaints of cuts, so lively, and quick,
They knew it was time for another new budget trick.
More rapid than eagles, the excuses came,
And they whistled, and shouted, and called Republicans every name;
After the insults, Núñez tried to mix in
“Oh come on Don, lets do some new taxin”
Let’s tax the porch! Let’s tax the wall!
Let’s tax rich! Let’s tax the poor! Let’s tax the cars! Let’s tax it all!"
As state spending reaches an all-time high,
Balanced budget obstacles stack to the sky,
Claims of good budget figures were clearly aloof,
And the budget reserves were gone in a poof.
With Democrats panicking to turn the story around,
“Hey,” Nunez exclaims, “let’s use healthcare as our rebound.”
He was dressed to the nines from his head to his foot,
“Let’s rush to spend billions, rather than stay put.”
“Who cares if the state is ever in the black,
If term limits fails it won’t be me under attack.”
As Núñez looks for a way to get ahead,
Republicans demand to get the state out of the red;
By rolling up collective sleeves and going to work,
And quit responding at another knee jerk,
The budget gap is something that we need to control,
Rather than creating a State HMO;
Now some cuts may cause some to bristle,
But they should not go away with a quick dismissal.
If we keep the goal of a balanced budget squarely in sight,
In 2009 we might be able to wish "Happy non-denominational holiday break (Merry Christmas) to all, and to all a good-night!