Over the past decade, I have really gotten to know and develop a friendship with former Orange County Supervisor Gaddi Vasquez. I spent years working closely with his wife, Elaine, and can tell you they are great people. Don’t let Gaddi’s unique talent for working for agencies and organizations that we here at the FlashReport think should be abolished, keep you from admiring the man, and his dedication to public service.
After President Bush was elected to office in 2000, Gaddi was appointed as the Director of the United States Peace Corps. You know, that place where American tax dollars, taken coercively from taxpayers, are they used as a "forced charity" to help other developing nations. (I’m sure Gaddi loves my editorializing in this introduction – not.). Nevertheless, in his time with the Corps, Gaddi brought the institution to new levels, and literally traveled the world over for years, as a good will Ambassador of the United States.
Now, Gaddi is serving in a different capacity for his country. He has been appointed by President Bush to the Ambassador to the United Nations Food Bank, in Rome. Again, we’re iffy on the organization. We believe that the foreign policy interests of the United States are not well served by the current make-up, structure, and financing of the United Nations. That said, since we’re fully engaged at the U.N., and since we are a primary funder of the food bank, I’m really glad that Gaddi and Elaine have made the sacrifice to serve abroad, and that Gaddi is playing a key role in overseeing this program, with an eye on America’s interests.
All of this is a wind-up to a great profile that was penned by FR friend Scott Graves, the Editor-in-Chief of Red County Magazine, in their latest issue. You can read it here.