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Shawn Steel

Korea moves to the Right

After twelve years of misrule by arch Leftists in South Korea, Koreans repudiated the pro North Korean anti American government by electing conservative Myung Bak Lee,  President by capturing more votes that all 9 of his opponents combined. 

Korean Americans in California are vitally interested in the US having good relations with their mother country. With over 500,000 Korean Americans living in California, many now reliable voters, the hope that the left wing government would be removed was rewarded last night. Many of the younger conservative political leaders in Korea were trained by the Heritage Foundation and other conservative think tanks. Many of the younger leaders admire Ronald Reagan. 

Liberals claim that the world hates the US,  but they conveniently overlook the shifts toward  pro American governments from Germany, earlier this year in France, Denmark and now South Korea. Not only is this good fortune to our Korean allies but for our Presidential elections next year.

One Response to “Korea moves to the Right”

  1. Says:

    This is great news.

    Myung Bak Lee was CEO of car-maker “Hyundai”, and his free market
    success should be good for the Republic of Korea.

    It may seem far away from California, but the Joseph Stalin-initiated
    invasion of the South in June 1950 stil reverberates across the
    Pacific, including here in the Golden State.