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Matthew J. Cunningham

Adios, Milton Friedman

Now that Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is backing yet another attempt to put Californian’s health care in to the tender hands of government — and the fabulous track record of efficiency and competence that goes with it — can he at least promise never, ever to talk about how Milton Friedman was inspiration?  It’s an insult to the intelligence of thinking people for him to claim fealty to Friedman’s philosophy of individual and economic liberty while simultaneously mounting a massive assault on individual and economic liberty.

And maybe the Governor can also stop spinning that yarn about how he decided, soon after arriving in America in 1968, that he was a Republican because he believed in liberty. Whatever he believed then, Schwarzenegger’s embrace of government-run health care is concrete evidence he no longer believes it — other than lip service.

I would modestly but hopefully suggest Governor Schwarzenegger click on this link and re-register as a Democrat. At least that would be honest, and make it clear to Californians that if this train wreck of a plan is enacted, the Republican Party had no part in it.

One Response to “Adios, Milton Friedman”

  1. Says:

    On top of all the kicking, yelling and screaming coming from the Republicans, What the use is it for us to even sit down to talk with the Governor on various issues such as Health Care?

    I am so confused as who is the Governor and what he stands for anyways.

    Maybe he used the Republicans and we were duped to believing him all along.

    Man…What an actor!!