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Jon Fleischman

Gibson’s endorsement butresses “Fortress Harkey”

Mimi Walters knows all too well what a formidable opponent Jim Gibson can me. In Mimi’s first and ultimately successful run for the Assembly, she won in a three-way primary. While most pundits saw then-OC Supervisor Tom Wilson as Mimi’s primary opponent, it was ultimately Gibson, a school board trustee from Vista, in San Diego County, that ran second.


The 73rd Assembly District, while mostly in South Orange County, takes in a sizable chunk of Northern San Diego County.


Fast forward to the not-so-distant past, and the special election for the 35th State Senate District, vacated by John Campbell when he replaced Chris Cox in Congress (I know, terribly confusing). Dana Point City Councilwoman Diane Harkey ran a strong, conservative campaign against Assemblyman Tom “son of the open primary” Harman. Harman eeked out a victory by a handful of votes…


Fast forward to the present. Mimi Walters is now the front-runner in a bid for the 33rd State Senate GOP primary, where Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman is term-limited out of office. Thus we once again have an open 73rd Assembly race, and so far, Diane Harkey has ably cleared the field of any challengers.


That said, the well-respected Gibson has had been seriously contemplating another run. This could have created a “perfect storm” situation as a strong San Diego challenge could have opened the way for a third candidate such as well-heeled moderate former Laguna Niguel Councilwoman Cassie DeYoung.


Well, on the heels of rolling out endorsements from both the Lincoln Club and the New Majority, today the Harkey campaign rolled out what I believe may be Harkey’s most significant endorsement, that of Jim Gibson.


Never say never in politics. But with Gibson’s support covering Harkey’s southern flank, the odds of Harkey keeping the field clear of credible challengers has skyrocketed. I’d expect some extra holiday cheer in the Harkey home this Christmas, with this news…

4 Responses to “Gibson’s endorsement butresses “Fortress Harkey””

  1. Says:

    Agreed that Gibson is well-respected and this endorsement is big. The reason he finished second against Walters, however, was because of the number of voters in the district from San Diego County, not because he ran a great campaign or raised any money.

  2. Says:

    Gibson’s endorsement makes it clear: Harkey is San Diego’s candidate as well as that of Orange. DDD

  3. Says:

    I would agree.

  4. Says:

    Jim Gibson is among the hardest-working and most honorable elected officials
    I have encountered.

    He ran a terrific race for Assembly in 2004… to finish ahead of a proven vote-
    getter like OC Supervisor Tom Wilson was a remarkable accomplishment.
    A majority of Gibson’s votes came from OC by the way.

    I hope the GOP will find another opportunity for Mr. Gibson in leadership.
    He is the kind of person we need to promote.