HANRETTY MAKES GLAMOUR MAG Former FR State Capitol Correspondent Karen Hanretty took off for the D.C. Beltway to try her hands at political communications on the national level. The capable former spokesman for the State GOP, already a regular on Hannity and Colmes, is now a senior member of the communications team for the Fred Thompson for President campaign. Glamour magazine has found Karen, and has done a little Q&A with her for their latest issue. Check it out here. Way to go, Karen!
Yesterday it was reported that former legislative Republican Leader Jim Brulte had endorsed the Fabian Nunez Career Politican Term Limits Weakening Measure. We feel so bad for Brulte on this matter, that we though we would connect some dots for FR readers, because, as you will read, he simply can’t.
Since his departure from the State Legislature, our friend Senator Brulte has been quite successful in his career providing strategic advice and counsel to companies and other interests trying to succeed in California’s over-taxed and over-regulated climate. Brulte, with his large rolodex and good mind for policy issues, no doubt serves his cleints well in his role as a principal at the high profile firm California Strategies. To be quite blunt about it, Jim’s firm really has to maintain a positive relationship with the often bad-tempered Senate President Don Perata, and the ever-petulant Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez. So with virtually everyone who is anyone in the GOP coming out strongly against Proposition 93, "The Big Lie" measure that would allow Perata to serve four more years, and Nunez six more, I have no doubt that some not-so-subtle pressure was applied to Brulte to endorse the measure.
Ironically, this very column will probably increase the pressure on poor Jim to have to be even more articulate as to "why" he supports extending the careers of Perata and Nunez. Well, we ask all FR readers to sympathize with Brulte. That said, Brulte clearly must be doing his part to help out the No on 93 efforts behind the scenes. It’s well known that Brulte is part of the "inner-circle" of Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner, advising Poizner on his poltiical activities. If you want to believe that Steve has taken the lead role in opposing 93 over "objections" from Brulte, then we have some swamp-land in Arizona we want to sell you…
As has been widely reported, Fabian Nunez is stopping at nothing to push on everyone who has any interests before the State Legislature to support his career-extending move. Brulte would be the latest victim. So if Jim is forced to call you, in support of the Speaker’s measure, just understand… Sorry, buddy…
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