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Compiled by the FlashReport "Elves"

“Congratulations on your 40th birthday.  Wishing you and your family continued health and happiness.  Thank you for all of your hard work in the Republican Party.” – Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

"Happy 40th birthday Jon.  Keep fighting, we all appreciate your voice." – Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner

"Happy birthday Jon.  You have finally come of age.  You have a beautiful wife, Maureen, a beautiful child, Matthew, and you’re no longer a public employee.  Welcome to the real world.  Linda and I wish you forty more years of joy, happiness, and success." – Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman

“On behalf of the entire Assembly Republican Caucus, I wish you a happy 40th birthday!  We appreciate your hard work and wish you the best in the year ahead.” – Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines

“Jon, as you enter the era of being officially over the hill, I find myself speculating what those early years were like for you, before the dawn of the FlashReport.

“Did you assess your fellow newborns in the nursery, sizing up liberals, conservatives, and those just you felt were too squishy to be trusted?  Was there a Republican-kids only voter registration drive as a fourth grade class project?  Were there lectures about property rights out by the jungle gym at recess?  Were there Mike Spence Fan Club meetings after class in high school?

“Alas, historians will likely debate these questions and others like them for decades.   In the meantime, best wishes for a happy 40th birthday.” – California Republican Party Chairman Ron Nehring

“It has been 20 years since Jon wore the ‘Elect a Heavyweight, Mike Spence for Gen. Rep’ Sign at UCLA. May there be many more decades of such fun. Happy Birthday!” – California Republican Assembly President Mike Spence

"Jon Fleischman turning 40?  And to think he was once a Young American for Freedom!  Happy Birthday." – Congressman Ed Royce

“Don’t worry Jon…if 50 is the new 30 than 40 must be the new 20!!!!” – Congressman John Campbell

“Jon, you’re old.  Get out of YAF and join the real world.  Congrats on your big day!” – Senator Jim Battin

“Best wishes for a great 40th birthday, Jon.  Ahh yes, I remember my 40th like it was… five years ago…  the bouquet of black balloons from my adoring wife.  Seriously, turning 40 is overrated.  At 16, you can drive.  At 18, vote.  21 gets you a drink.  25, lower car insurance rates.  40?  Just a final purging from YAF and a disinvite from the YRs. Another 10 short years and you can join AARP – now, that’s a milestone worth living for!

“All the best for many more years of challenging RINO venality while exposing the hyperactive overreaching of California’s left.” – Assemblyman Chuck DeVore

“Well happy birthday Mr. Fleischman!  Forty’s getting up there.  It’s about time you had a son to make you gray and for me to ride Harleys with.  Thanks for all you do to help the cause.” – Assemblyman Mike Duvall

"Jon, Happy Birthday!  Congratulations on your new baby boy and the success of your business. Of course, you owe both to your beautiful wife Maureen." – Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas 

"Jon: You are a great American who has been a force for freedom and great wine. Happy 40th." – Former California Republican Party Chairman Mike Schroeder

"In Jon’s case 40’s not the new 30; it’s the new 50.  He’s been around longer than Ted Kennedy, and I recall him hanging around with me during the Coolidge campaign.  He should campaign with John McCain so John can refer to himself as the youngster." – Ken Khachigian, Hatch & Parent

"Old, cranky, and conservative? Welcome to the club, pal…:)  Happy birthday, from all your RINO fans!" – Dan Schnur, Command-Focus

“Jon, as one former YAF Chairman to another, I want to compliment you on being purged from YAF due to old age.  You mentoring will continue, as it has with our friendship of nearly 15 years, when I too (along with Zandi) get purged due to geriatrics.  Happy birthday my friend.” – Mike Houston, Rutan & Tucker

“Happy Birthday!  You have been an incredibly loyal and important friend and I admire your commitment to conservatism and moving the cause forward.  Your stewardship of the FlashReport has elevated the voices of  so many important people in California and established you as one of top opinion leaders in California.  I am proud to call you my friend.” – Jason Roe, Federal Strategy Group

“I really respect JF.  Matt Cunningham says he’s a good kisser too.” – Duane Dichiara, Coronado Communications

“So let’s see if I understand this correctly:  Jon birthed the most relevant website in California before he stood by passively while his wife birthed the most relevant person in his life.   He gets to sleep in while his Elves keep us current.  And now today Jon turns 40…what’s left to do?  He’s got the world by the short hairs…a wife who digs him…conservative punks who do all the work….not sure it could be much better….well at least he won’t be hosting a left leaning blog site because he’s actually happy.

“Happy Birthday old man….be thankful the people who love you do all your work…and you will never host a site full of angry bloggers who hate life… go kiss you son Matt and tell him you love him.” – Joe Justin, Justin Company

"Happy Birthday Jon!  Does turning 40 make you eligible for the YAF Senior Citizen Membership Rate?” – Phil Paule, Paule Consulting

“Congratulations to the old man of the  California conservative movement.  All the best for a Happy Birthday and we look forward to Fleischman 4.0 on the FlashReport.” – Carl Fogliani, COS Assemblyman Greg Aghazarian

“Welcome to 40, Jon, the time of fatherhood, husbandhood, and grown up hood.  As such, you will now be expected to give more.  Money that is.  Oh, and you’ll need to continue all the other activities, also.  Ain’t it grand?  Congratulations, my friend.” – Barry Nestande, COS Assemblyman John Benoit

“As a Cal-Yafer who rose from purge to National chairman of YAF, I wish you all the best from Las Vegas Nevada, where I am vacationing with one of my old YAF enemies, Floyd Brown.” – Jim Lacy, Wewer & Lacy

"Happy 40th Birthday to California’s leading conservative activist and proprietor of California’s second best blog! You’re a good man and good friend – and you and your beautiful wife chose an excellent name for your baby boy." – Matt "Jubal" Cunningham, Pacific Strategies

“Jon, you are really much older than 40 because any year worked at the CRP counts as at least four or five normal years.  Mindy and I hope you are not too despondent on reaching middle age and having to leave YAF.  You can always start a new organization—MAF (Middle aged Americans for Freedom) or as someone else suggested join OAF (Old Americans for Freedom).  I am sure there will always be a place for you.

“Be careful, your spirited debate of the issues might in the future be chocked up to being a ‘grumpy old man’. – Nathan and Mindy Fletcher  “P.S. 40…it is the new 30”

“Jon, I still remember being in the parking lot of the Queen Mary in 1988 for some now forgotten political function, and this brash punk kid comes up to me and says, ‘Hi, I’m Jon Fleischman, and I’m going places,’ or something to that effect.  I can’t believe you’re now too old to be in YAF.  It’s been nearly 20 years and I’ve been honored every step of the way being among your friends.  Have a great birthday.  Blessings to your family.” – Barry Jantz, Jantz Communications

Please feel free to add your own birthday message to Jon below!  (Or drop him an e-mail if you prefer.)


  1. Says:

    40! Jon that means I have known you nearly half your life.

    Forget about YAF, you’re an OAF now.

    Dan Brennan

  2. Says:

    40, a kid and self employed…congrats.

    Unfortunately that means you’re going to look like me very soon!


  3. Says:

    Jon, you’re a great friend. I hope to attend your 80th Birthday in 40 years! Jim Palmer

  4. Says:

    Jon, Happy 40th. You’re a true crusader of conservative ideals and principles -many thanks. Jarryd Gonzales

  5. Says:

    Remember the YAF days when we would argue with people and they would say we would grow out of our principles? Well, they can’t say that any more. We’re old and we still have those principles!

    Happy 40th birthday! You’ve always enjoyed a good celebration — I trust you will enjoy this one!

    Ken Royal

  6. Says:

    Happy XL Birthday! Thanks for showing the libs that we know how to use the internet, too!

  7. Says:

    Happy birthday Jon! As for Assemblyman DeVore’s comment, you are more than welcome to attend YR events/meetings, you just can’t vote anymore (but your dues will be less)! Don’t forget our Christmas Party Friday night!!!

    I’m so happy that you get to celebrate this milestone birthday with my fellow Panther alumni, Maureen, and God’s most precious gift, Matthew. You are truly a lucky and blessed person! Here’s to many more birthdays.

  8. Says:


    You look no more than 39. (of course you can make the same joke to me next year.)

    Thanks for being a great friend.


  9. Says:

    Happy birthday Jon. I turned 50 earlier this year so I can tell you it only gets better.

    Tony Bedolla

  10. Says:

    Happy Birthday, Jon! Congratulations on all of your success, and keep up your work for the cause.


  11. Says:

    Have a happy and many many more…keep them coming… George Barrante, Chairman, Republican Club of North County, SD

  12. Says:

    It was considerate of you to be born just before the end of the year. You gave your parents a tax deduction for the entire year in 1967. This deprived the Johnson Administration a few more dollars for the War on Poverty. Wow you were a tax fighter from the get go.

    Happy 40th.

  13. Says:

    A very happy birthday wish from San Diego! – Steve Holden

  14. Says:

    Happy BIG 40 Jon!!!!!!!
    The years are just going to go faster and faster, enjoy everyday!!!!!!!!

  15. Says:

    Thanks for the Public Service which the Flash Report
    continues to provide the great state of California.

    Jim Sills
    another Cal-YAF veteran

  16. Says:

    40’s a milestone, make it a good one!

  17. Says:

    Happy Birthday from all of those who walked into a meeting with Jon and walked out a candidate for something!

  18. Says:

    Well Jon, I’m almost twice your 40 and having a ball! Hope your next 40 is as enjoyable. Miss seeing you. Ben Gilmore

  19. Says:

    The big 40 huh. Happy Birthday dude. I appreciate your friendship the last few years. Here’s to 40 more years of tormenting Democrats.

  20. Says:

    Thank you for everything you do for the Conservative movement in CA, Jon. Here’s to 40 more years of fending off the liberals! :-)

  21. Says:

    Wow, only 40 Jon? You’re just a short decade ahead of me. NOW I feel old.

    Anyhow, happy birthday!

  22. Says:

    Happy Birthday from northern Idaho! I hit 39 a couple days ago. What’s it like on the other side? lol Best wishes to you for the next 40!

  23. Says:

    40 More Years! 40 More Years!

    Jon, I will never forget meeting you at the College Republican “Unity” Convention in Sacramento in 1988 when you were representing Arnold Schwarzenegger’s alma mater, Santa Monica College. We’ve come a long way, but it would be nice to be in the majority someday!

    Happy Birthday!

    Tom Hudson – also 40 and finally out of YAF!

  24. Says:

    Here’s hoping that your next 40 will be at least as devastating to the libs as the first.

  25. Says:

    To: Jon, wife and baby

    Have a wonderful birthday!

    Thank you for the Flash Report.

    I learn a little more everyday from people I admire, and you are definitely one of those people I learn from. Count me in as a permanent member of your fan club.

    Titania Jones

  26. Says:

    To our friend and colleague, Jon ‘Flashman’ Fleischman, Peter and I extend our warmest birthday greetings for a Happy 40th, and may you triple your play with enthusiasm and finesse.

  27. Says:


    HAPPY 40th. As one who is “the new 40” I can tell you it will only get better.

    Thanks for the FlashReport coming.

  28. Says:

    I dono’t know about the “new 40 or new 30” But I do know that when you get to my age “70” everything is new because you tend to forget a lot of things…..What was this about??……..OH yes Happy Birthday from your friends in the California Republican National Hispanic Assembly.
    Jim Lopez, Chairman

  29. Says:

    Jon, I believe this particular post now holds the record of resulting in the most comments to any single post since the advent of FR. Apparently, you are more popular than FR itself.

  30. Says:


    Happy Birthday! Big 40, eh?

    I am relieved that you are much older than me by just 9 months…Smiles.

    I wish you the very best on this day and more Birthday’s to come.


  31. Says:

    Careful Barry. The elves might be emboldened to go on strike until granted a COLA or a pension.

  32. Says:


    I think it’s time you retire early. Democrats would appreciate it.

    Happy Birthday!

  33. Says:

    Jon – Happy 40th. Don’t forget what makes a country – borders, language and food. When you eat your cake tonight, thank a farmer.

  34. Says:

    Happy 40th Jon! You have opened up a “whole new world” to the voting public by your continuing avarice for political information you have made available for us through your “FlashReport.”

    Now little Matthew will open up a “whole new world” for you in a most rewarding way. I’m sure you will enjoy the experiences of fatherhood. It gets even better when the grandkids arrive.

    We thank Maureen for sharing you with us, and participating along with you in your political endeavors.

    You must be special. You were born the year I was married!

    A special Happy Birthday Jon!

    Diane Lenning, Former Chair
    Republican Educators Caucus

  35. Says:


    Happy 40th. I wouldn’t know what is going on in California politics without the FlashReport. Keep up the good work.

    Gary Aminoff
    San Fernando Valley Republican Club
    Republican Party of Los Angeles County

  36. Says:


    I’d be your wingman anyday, Maverick, er, Flash! You are handling middle-age beautifully. Happy Birthday to one of California’s most influential New Media Moguls.

    Kevin Spillane

  37. Says:

    WOW! Jon, Nothing better than being married to a great lady, being forty (the best age ever) and having a new son.

    What a great year to celebrate with your beautiful wife Maureen & baby Matt!

    With Love, Ron & Mary : )

  38. Says:

    Jon –
    Congratulations. I hope you have a wonderful birthday and that you enjoy continued success.
    – Ben Davidian

  39. Says:

    Jon: All I can say is that I truly appreciate someone who knows how the heck to spell their first name the RIGHT way! Jon Coupal

  40. Says:

    Jon – Have a wonderfully happy 40th! I’ll raise a toast in your honor. Thanks for keeping us up-to-date on all the news that matters in California.
    – Shane Patrick Connolly
    Log Cabin Republicans, Silicon Valley Chapter

  41. Says:

    Despite the fact that you once purged me from the YAF Board, I’m still glad you weren’t decapitated by a crowbar-wielding Knucklehead from Northridge half a lifetime ago.

    Right behind you on this 40 thing,

    Jeff Greene

  42. Says:


    Glad to see you hit forty a whole year before I do!

    Happy Birthday!

    Mark Sheppard