A number of Democrat members of Congress have been wearing pins while walking the halls lately here in the U.S. Capitol. The pins say simply "Article I." I inquired what the pins mean? They responded that the first Article of the constitution is the one the established the legislative branch of government. The executive branch is in Article II, and the Judiciary in Article III. The order of these, they believe, shows the primacy of the legislative branch in the Founders’ minds. They wear the pin because they believe that the legislative branch has ceded too much power to the executive branch, and that it’s time to take that power back.
I agree.
But I don’t agree for the same reasons they do. It is not, as they believe, because George Bush has established some imperial presidency. Certainly it is no more, and probably no less, controlling than other recent presidencies.
But every time Congress passes a bill creating a new government agency, or a new government program, or a new department, or a new mandate, Congress creates a new implement of power for the executive branch. You see, all the agencies and departments are run by the executive branch, not Congress. And when we give the executive some new thing they can regulate and control, we give the President (whoever that is or may be) the absolute ability to exercise that control within the limits of the law.
Congress has been, and continues to be, the implement of its own dimishment, as unelected bureaucrats appointed by presidential administrations have more and more power over our lives, families and fortunes. It’s amazing how many things a President can now do "administratively" without any advice or consent from Congress.
I agree with the Democrats who wear these pins on the problem. I just think that they are blind to the solution. It doesn’t matter if the President is George Bush or Hillary Clinton or Mitt Romney. We need to stop growing more government agencies and start shrinking the ones we have.
The power shouldn’t be with the President….or the Congress. It should be with you.