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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Duke Cunningham – The Traitor Almost Ruined My Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving provides each of us with an opportunity to reflect on our lives, and give thanks to the Lord for all of the things that he does for each of us, and for everything.  It’s a great opportunity to spend time with our families, and to give thanks to them for the support they give to us.  It is also an opportunity to be a bit reflective on our lives, and on those things that are important.  But I won’t wax on, as this is not a "Thanksgiving Day Message" from the FlashReport.  But it was this general Thanksgiving "happy and appreciate state of mind" that was interrupted yesterday for some time by disgraced, imprisoned former Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham.
I am not sure what it was that caused me to think about Duke yesterday.  Perhaps the ongoing string of articles that appear in the San Diego U-T and the North County Times as they track the trials of those involved with Duke’s dastardly deeds.  Then again, maybe when you are thinking about your family and close friends, it also allows you to think about those friends who have really hurt you…  Whatever the reason, "Duke" was a very unwelcome turkey in my Thanksgiving thoughts.
In contemplating what Cunningham did, even on a peaceful holiday with festive music, good food, and surrounded by family, my blood pressure started to rise.  I realized one thing immediately.  I will NEVER be able to forgive that scumbag for what he did to our country.  In placing our government up for "sale" like that, I place the name of Duke Cunningham alongside those of Alger Hiss, Aldrich Ames, Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, etcetera.  Which is to say that Cunningham’s crimes were such a violation of the trust that was given to him by the American people that he committed, in my mind, treason against the United States of America.  What he did when he "sold" our government for personal gain was so offensive, and so egregious that his prison sentence seems extraordinarily inadequate.

**There is more – click the link**

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2 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Duke Cunningham – The Traitor Almost Ruined My Thanksgiving”

  1. Says:

    The whole reason there is a holiday season is because there is no offense that keeps a person “from receiving any forgiveness or sympathy.”

    I’ve offended my creator a dozen times today and I have not finished lunch.

    You are one of the finest men I know and your dignity does not compare to His. Aren’t you glad He treats you far better than you deserve.

  2. Says:

    Treason? Isn’t that a bit harsh? Yes, he deserves jail, but treason?