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Jon Fleischman

FR PODCAST: “From The Beltway” with U.S. Rep. John Campbell at Andy Roth with the Club for Growth

Welcome to our third weekly FlashReport Podcast!  I had a chance last Friday to chat for about twenty minutes with California Congressman John Campbell, our own FlashReport D.C. Correspondent, and also with Andy Roth, the Director of Government Relations for the Club for Growth.  The three of us discussed Congressional earmarking, Presidential vetoes, and also Reagan 21, a new caucus made up of member of the Senate and House dedicated to true fiscal reform.

[You can check out our first two Podcasts – one with Presidential candidate Fred Thompson, the other with Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner, here.]

Please start the Podcast Player below and join us for an informative update on what is going inside of the United States Capitol.  The show kicks off with Congressman Campbell (pictured left) telling us about House Republicans upholding a Presidential veto.  Although Andy Roth (pictured right) tells about how fifteen Republicans who had pledged to uphold the veto instead voted to try to override.

This and much more is just one click away!

John Campbell’s Green Eyeshade Blog at
The Club for Growth Website/Blog
The Club for Growth RePork Card
John Campbell describes "air dropping" of earmarks
John Campbell’s 10-Point Plan for earmark reform

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