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Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Signature gatherer for anti-racial preference measure harassed on video

FR friend and former University of California Regent Ward Connerly, who championed the successful Proposition 209 here in California to and racial quotas in public university admissions has been taking his cause to other states in the union, using the power of the ballot iniative to change discriminatory laws in those states.

Right now, he is working to qualify a measure in Oklahoma, and Connerly sent me over a link to an illuminating video of one of the signature gatherers for the measure being harassed in the parking lot by one of the most obnoxious people you have ever seen.  It’s a bit lengthy, but you can get the idea in just a minute or two.  Though watching it all allow you to see this racist black woman actually verbally assault the person with the video camera, taking him to task for being caucasian (she even references his "blue eyes").  The signature gatherer for the measure, who is black, never backs down.  She’s an inspiration.

4 Responses to “VIDEO: Signature gatherer for anti-racial preference measure harassed on video”

  1. Says:

    Unbelievable. Isn’t it a federal offense to obstruct a petition gatherer? Isn’t it assault to grab someone’s camera? This obnoxious woman should have been hauled off in a paddy wagon.

  2. Says:

    Dr. Consiglio….the people that oppose this measure care little about the law. They hate. This petition gather is truly on the front lines in the fight for equality.

  3. Says:

    The main group that opposed Ward Connerly’s successful efforts in Michigan and his efforts around the country is named “By Any Means Necessary”. It’s clear their tactics speak volume and they have the perfect name.

    Ward has been a champion against some of the most vile people you can imagine.

  4. Says:

    Ward is a true visionary and one of my heroes. I gathered many signatures and co-signed the ballot statement with Roger Hedgecock (KOGO radio) for Prop 54, the Racial Privacy Initiative in 2003. It probably would have passed had it been on the 2002 ballot (instead of the 2003 Recall ballot). Perhaps it would have helped drive turnout for Bill Simon to have been Governor in 2002 as well.

    Ward’s hard won victories last year were a bright spot in an otherwise dismal election year.

    Jim B. – thanks for the info on BAMN.
    Joe J. – you are right about the haters of Ward’s efforts. They show themselves as the true racists.