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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Bonds Should Change Venue To The US Senate

It’s already been nearly nine years since Bill Clinton was impeached and brought to trial for charges of perjury and obstruction of justice, charges describable as having "denigrated our system of justice and those who uphold itAt best, his conduct would be characterized as brazen disregard for legal rules; at worst, an untoward combination of arrogance, deception, and guile in a setting where we demand the opposite."  Conviction of a perjury charge could lead to 5 years in prison and a $250,000 fine, for obstruction, 10 years and $250,000.  Pretty tough treatment for a President, the leader of the Free World.  But "in a setting where we demand the opposite" of such behavior and deception, it is indeed justice at work. 

Alas, these quotes weren’t from the 1998-99 impeachment proceedings but from a Sports Illustrated writer, Michael McCann whose column "Sports And The Law" appears at SI.COM. His latest column actually describes the charges in the indictment of baseball superstar Barry Bonds, who instead is the major league all time homerun leader of the Free World.  

But there is hope for Barry, he should petition for a change of venue to the US Senate, where he could perhaps enjoy a similar courageous vote for acquittal of 55-45 on perjury and 50-50 on obstruction that President Clinton enjoyed for the same charges.  [Those numbers sound better than a jury vote of 7-5 or 6-6 respectively don’t you think?]  

Plus with Barry’s plummeting approval numbers, this could be the angle he can ride like that post-impeachment bounce to a 73% approval rating Clinton received!  That would make him attractive enough to then join the Los Angeles-California-Anaheim-Los Angeles Angels Of Anaheim club for that DH job and pursue the 800 home run mark.  Clinton ended up with a lousy $90,000 fine in the civil trial later, cheap, Barry could swing that!  

I wonder if Bill would’ve minded the actual filing of the "rough draft indictment" for Hillary’s doubted truthfulness in one of her depositions back then…naw, 8 more years patrolling the White House looks good to him, she’ll be busy.  "Hey, honey, oops, I mean Madam President, go on ahead to Iceland, I’ll stay back baking cookies with "the help" for when you get home…awwright!"

But in the meantime, we can know that the full force of the law and the good work of US Senator George Mitchell [ret.] and the Congressional steroid investigations are used to uphold the dignity and reputation of the National Pastime that major league baseball is…how dare that one man’s actions would taint such places as the Great House that Ruth Built and this hallowed American tradition?

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