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Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Mike Huckabee – say what?

This video speaks for itself. I am happy to post a ‘response’ or an effort to ‘explain’ this by the Huckabee campaign. Given the significant problem we face, as Americans, with a government that taxes and spends too much, this is quite damning… href=""> As I told someone yesterday, who said that they liked Huckabee because of where he stands on "social issues" — high taxes is a huge social issue. For example, how negative is the impact on a young family when high taxes mean that both parents have to work, with no option for one of them to stay home to raise the kids?

3 Responses to “VIDEO: Mike Huckabee – say what?”

  1. Says:

    His last line of having “his profound thanks” for raising taxes is what is so disturbing coming from a Republican.

  2. Says:

    Apparently the Huckabee folks got this pulled from YouTube; I got an error message saying “We’re sorry, this video is no longer available.” I guess the Huckabee campaign doesn’t need to respond to or explain something that no longer exists. :-)

  3. Says:

    We found it elsewhere. It’s back!