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James V. Lacy

What Pat Robertson means for Rudy Giuliani

   Yes, I am a Rudy Giuliani supporter.  Let’s get that out of the way.

   Yesterday a political bombshell hit the media.  Former Christian Coalition leader and 700 Club personality Pat Robertson endorsed Rudy Giuliani for President.

   In its reports yesterday the Washington Post called Pat Robertson one of the most influential figures in the social conservative movement.  They said Robertson’s endorsement of Giuliani is a significant blow to Mitt Romney, who has worked hard to court evangelical leaders. 

   I have been reporting here for some time that national and state polls have consistently favored Giuliani for the Republican nomination.  Rudy has never been behind in a Republican poll.  I have also been reporting that national polls, including in liberal states like New Jersey, show Rudy neck-and-neck with Hillary Clinton, who will be the Democrat nominee for President.  Rudy can beat the Democrat.  Polls show the other Republicans can not.

   So, with just a few weeks until the California Republican presidential primary, who do we want to be the next President?  Bill and Hillary Clinton?  Or a leader who, though maybe not 100% doctrinally pure in the eyes of a few, is nevertheless a committed Republican, a Reagan appointee, a fighter against the Mafia, an Italian-American who will make great inroads into that Democrat voter base, a Catholic, a lover of Opera (hey, even we vote!), and a tax cutter from New York City!

   Conservatives in California need to start thinking about the alternatives.  Romney has utterly failed to mount a campaign in California and as a result of his awful strategy here, and his passing on major media advertising in California, he is destined to get no more than 15% of the vote statewide in February, and will probably not get one delegate to the Republican National Convention from our state.  Let’s come together and get real!  The Pat Robertson endorsement means social conservatives have a good reason to jump on the winning bandwagon.  Let’s defeat Hillary Clinton and elect a Republican as our next President.  Mayor Curt Pringle and Ed Royce are having an important fundraiser for Rudy on Nov. 13 at 8 am at the Hyatt Irvine.  Call Rudy’s campaign at  949-232-8882 and get your ticket to support the guy who can beat Hillary!

4 Responses to “What Pat Robertson means for Rudy Giuliani”

  1. Says:


    Didn’t President Dean say something about the importance of national polls?

    ROMNEY 29.2
    rudy 13.2

    ROMNEY 30.3
    rudy 20.8

    ROMNEY 25.0
    rudy 19.8

    ROMNEY 19.3
    rudy 19.0

  2. Says:

    Isn’t Huckabee ahead of Rudy in Iowa?

  3. Says:

    This sounds like the same reasoning we were given to support Arnie.

  4. Says:

    Brandon: count the delegates in all those states you mention. Then count the delegates in New York, New Jersey, Florida, Texas, and California where Rudy is ahead. Then tell me who the nominee will be. Hint: New Hampshire has about as many delegates as a couple of Ca counties.