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Ray Haynes

Turn about is Fair Play

This last week, I filed a complaint against the Clinton campaign alleging that the campaign had co-ordinated with the opposition to the California Electoral College reform to defeat the initiative.  Clintonistas and their operatives filed a complaint against the initiative claiming that it was a secret Giuliani operation, alleging on very flimsy evidence that the Giuliani campaign was really running the operation to benefit Giuliani.

Well, since I have been involved with this issue since 2001, working on the campaign from the day of filing, and an endorser of Mitt Romney, I knew this was false, but when the campaign sputtered in July, the Clintonistas were bragging to the newspapers and media everywhere, that their aggressive opposition to the initiative caused its death.

Well, news of the death of the initiative was clearly premature, and those who were fighting the initiative literally admitted to the press that they had committed the very sins that they had accused the Giuliani campaign of committing.  Not very smart for these supposedly very smart campaign operatives, and, if the FEC wishes to maintain any semblance of impartiality, they will pursue the investigation with vigor, and hold those in the Clinton campaign accountable for their violation of McCain-Feingold rules.

The pro-reform campaign has conducted itself with the utmost integrity.  The defenders of the status quo have sunk to new campaign lows, and admitted their culpability in their criminal enterprise.  A complaint was necessary.  Its fate is now in the hands of the federal government, not a very reassuring thought to say the least.

One Response to “Turn about is Fair Play”

  1. Says:

    Go get them Ray!
    For more information on the Initiative. Visit