You have wonder about "Light" Governor John Garamendi. Perhaps he just has too much time on his hands since, in the Golden State, his job is primarily to hang out and be available in case the Governor becomes incapacitated. We have a suggestion for Garamendi — perhaps he should spend some time in his posh office today, seeing if he is capable of patting the top of his head while he rubs his tummy at the same time. It would appear that Garamendi doesn’t believe that mature adults know how to multi-task.
In an effort to win a "Hot Air" award from the FlashReport, Garamendi started flapping his jaws yesterday, complaining that State Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner shouldn’t be spending any time opposing the Perata/Nunez Term-Limits End Run Initiative because all of Poizner’s time should be spent dealing with the aftermath of the wildfires.
I know, Lt. Governor, that it might blow you away to hear this, since I guess it doesn’t work so well for you… But Steve Poizner actually has enough time in his day to direct Department of Insurance efforts for wildfire victims and battle the political "elite class" that want to extend their time in the Halls of Power. Poizner also has enough to run the other affairs of his Agency, and also to be a husband and a father, too.
Steve Poizner obviously cares about the future of California. After all, he’s willing to commit his own time and financial resources to fight for things that matter.
Perhaps, Mr. Garamendi, when you have mastered that pat/rub thing, you can check in with the Governor’s office to find out if there are any state funerals needing your attention. Assuming you can handle attending something like that during the same week that you did some media interviews…