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No new powers for OC Sups

The Orange County Board of Supervisors rejected a proposal today to put a charter amendment before the voters that would, if passed, give the board the authority to place county-wide elected officials on administrative leave–effectively remove a district attorney or county clerk for example from office, if 4/5 of them so choose.

It was a bad idea and I applaud the majority for their vote.

One of the most compelling speakers at the board meeting was Assemblyman Todd Spitzer–a former county supervisor and former deputy district attorney. Spitzer is known as a law and order Republican–someone who puts cop and prosecutor on a pedestal (more so than my libertarian sensibilities allow me to).

But Spitzer argued against the proposal because it is inappropriate for the supervisors to serve as judge, jury and executioner. DA Rackauckas also made similar and well put remarks recommending that the board reject the proposal.

3 Responses to “No new powers for OC Sups”

  1. Says:

    well, then, somebody better recall the b@$+^*#.

  2. Says:

    Or maybe the Sheriff could do the right thing and resign. His career as an elected official is over, he will never be able to win another election in OC. Save the county the trouble and just resign!

  3. Says:

    unfortunately, he doesn’t appear to be doing that, so he needs to be recalled.