The Sacramento Bee, which is not generally friendly to Republicans, did a recent profile of County Supervisor Roberta MacGlashan and her husband, County GOP Chair Craig MacGlashan. (Disclaimer: Roberta is a client)
Roberta recently came under fire from left-leaning columnist Marcus Breton for daring to suggest that the County of Sacramento should not be providing free healthcare for residents of other countries (read her opinion attached to this post) has become the conservative conscience of the Board of Supervisors.
She’s earned kudos from conservatives and taxpayers — and criticism from liberals — for standing up to oppose free needles for drug users, porn shops near schools, tax increases to build an arena for billionaire casino owners and free healthcare for illegal immigrants.
MacGlashan’s thoughtful leadership and her policy of protecting taxpayers has already earned her broad support for her 2008 re-election – including every GOP official in the area and the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association.
Here’s an excerpt for those who don’t like to follow links: "With her husband Craig MacGlashan’s election as Republican Party chief in Sacramento County this year, the two have become one of Sacramento’s top conservative power couples."
When folks lament the troubles facing the Republican Party, we should take a moment to recognize those leaders who are putting real Republican values to work successfully.