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Mike Spence

One year of E-Verify at West Covina Unified

Fox News called and told me that our school district was the only school district in Los Angeles and maybe California that used Homeland Security’s E-Verify Program to insure that we were hiring those legally allowed to work in the United States.

After one year here are the results:

Four classified people had unverified results. After having the employees go to the Social security administration, all 4 were cleared. Some of the problems were obvious. (A different middle initial on their Social Security Card and their I-9 Employment Verification Form).

Two certificated employees had problems. One cleared immediately and the second employee did not have a valid work permit and was terminated.

While the last employee was here legally, the person didn’t have a valid work permit. The sad news is that the terminated employee could have gone next door to another school district and been hired.

Fox News found only 9 governmental agencies that used the Free E-Verify system. Why can’t government make sure only people that can work legally work for the government?

One Response to “One year of E-Verify at West Covina Unified”

  1. Says:

    Mike has done a pioneering public service by having his West Covina Unified School District use the free, federal online E-Verify program to check on the eligibility of new hires to work in this country.

    We at State Department Watch have promoted its use with other government employers. Here are others who are protecting the public and their other employees from illegal aliens:

    –Los Angeles County
    –State Board of Equalization
    –City of Mission Viejo
    –All public agencies in Oklahoma and Georgia.

    All government agencies should adopt this program as an example of the rule of law for all employers.