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Jon Fleischman

The Front Patio or the Back Room

The complete political spectrum is dining at Spattaro Restaurant close to the State Capitol. The forces of good are gathered in the light of day, on the patio (that would be me, and Kevin Spillane and Bob Adney from the pro-Term Limits crew. In the darkness of the depths of the restauarant would be the other group, which for ID purposes we’ll call Evil*. Speaker Nunez, Steve Maviglio, Darry Sragow et al.


* this label is a convenient identifier, not a statement of moral assessment.

3 Responses to “The Front Patio or the Back Room”

  1. Says:

    I’m sure Sheriff Carona would have joined us, but apparently he had other lunch plans today with his attorney.

  2. Says:


    That was a cheap shot. Why don’t you just fight your camp’s battles? Geez!

  3. Says:

    Jon didn’t need to make the moral assessment of the inside group. Steve Maviglio did that for him.