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Jon Fleischman

Jon’s Sacramento Flight Axium

Axium: When I fly to or from Sacramento, I always run into at least one person I know, or know of…

Today I’m flying up to Sacramento to participate in a meeting of the California Chamber of Commerce’s Business Advocacy Council. They are looking at what to do on Proposition 93 (the Nunez-Parata “Career Politician” Term-Limits Weakening Act). I am sitting second chair to Kevin Spillane as we explain why businesses in California lose if 93 passes. I believe that the “Yes on 93 ” presentation will be made by Fabian Nunez’ Chief of Staff, Dan Eaton.


Back to that axium. On the flight up from Orange County, I’ve been enjoying a nice chat with former GOP Assemblyman Tom Mays, now a big wheel for Pacific Life. Also flying up on this Southwest flight is Jen Johnson, a leader in the CWLA. She’s headed for the Chamber event as well.


We’ll see if the axium holds up for the flight home later today…

One Response to “Jon’s Sacramento Flight Axium”

  1. Says:

    Stop trying to compete with my California travelogues.

    I actually just took a drive up to Sacramento but stopped midway for several hours at Disneyland with the kids (making it about a 16 hour trip) so I didnt have the energy to keep track of time.