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Jim Battin

I Got a Lousy “B”? Say It Ain’t So!

I went to Sacramento to protect Proposition 13 and fight against tax increases.  I take that commitment very seriously – and I’m proud of my record.

So imagine my surprise when I read yesterday that on the newly released Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association legislative report card I received an embarrassing (and pathetic) 78.4 score, which is a grade of "B".  Which also was the worst score of any Republican in either house.

I was stunned – and very, very concerned. 

I love the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association.  They do great work and are one of the most important organizations in California.  To be the worst Republican on their report card……yikes.

HJTA is so important to me – and this score was so inconsistent with my voting record over 13 years we started researching how this anomaly happened.  We found what I believe is a scoring system that – while good intentioned – punishes you if you’re not available to vote – even if you’re sick, in my case, absent because you are recovering from surgery.

I’ve written a letter to Jon Coupal asking for this to be looked into.  Here’s my letter:

Jon Coupal
Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association
921 11th Street, Suite 1201
Sacramento, CA 95814

Dear Mr. Coupal:

I was distressed to learn that my grade on your 2007 legislative report card was only a “B”.  A grade I am definitely not proud of and one I find sub-par.  Throughout my legislative career it has been my highest priority to protect Proposition 13 and fight tax increases. 

My report cards from previous years show my strong record in voting with the priorities of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association:

Jim Battin   –   2006
Jim Battin   –   2005
Jim Battin   –   2004
Jim Battin   –   2003

The “B” grade that I received this year, of 75.8%, could unfortunately lead my constituents to believe that I have slipped in my commitment to protect Proposition 13, property owners and taxpayers.  This perception would be inaccurate and misleading.  In looking at the report card, I can’t help but take issue with the method for calculating the score – particularly the “50%” weight given to votes missed even with an excused absence.  I believe I should not be held responsible, even “half” responsible, for legislation that I was physically unable to vote on. 

As you may know, I was out for five weeks this session due to an illness, surgery and recovery and was not on the floor when many of these graded votes were cast.  However, under your grading system, I have been penalized as if I was avoiding votes or refusing to take a stand.  This is simply not fair to me – or my constituents that count on me to vote in their interest and protect them from the Democrats never ending quest to raise their taxes.

While I do appreciate that you put a small disclaimer at the end of the report card stating “Senators Battin and Vincent, and Assembly Members Soto and Strickland, missed an extensive number of votes for illness or personal reasons.”, I do not think it is obvious enough for the casual reader of the report card, nor does it explain that excused absences are counted against your grade.   I would appreciate at least a more obvious disclaimer of my low score, perhaps an asterisk directing viewers to the explanation given below the report – which explains your grading system and how an excused absence can adversely effect a score.

I am grateful for the work that Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association does to protect property owners, and in honoring Howard Jarvis and his life’s work – and I am proud of my long association with your outstanding organization.  I hope we can find some resolution to this situation which would more accurately portray my support for Proposition 13 and my voting record.  I look forward to hearing from you soon.


37th District

Believe me when I tell you I really didn’t enjoy missing five weeks this year.  I would have much rather been working than recovering.  :-)

Audra Strickland didn’t do to well this year either.  She got hit by missing votes too.  She was busy having a baby.  I think that’s a good enough reason to be out.

I hope this can get worked out.  HJTA rankings are too important to be skewed in any way.