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Jon Fleischman

Tom McClintock’s Speech at Western CPAC

It’s days like today when FlashReport readers can be pleased that our good friend Tom McClintock has given the FR carte blanche to publish his writings here on this site.  Well, if you weren’t able to attend the Western Conservative Political Action Conference last weekend, then you missed one heck of a speech by Tom.  The good news is that the entire speech was reprinted on Tom’s website, and now I am pleased to present it, in its entirety, right here:

You have extended me a very dangerous invitation tonight – to speak to a gathering of political conservatives on the day that Al Gore has received the Nobel Peace Prize for discovering that the earth’s climate is changing. 

I’ve heard that he’s going to contribute half of his prize money to environmental causes and use the other half to pay his electricity bill.  And anything left over will come in handy to help pay for the fleet of private jets that allow him to travel around the world to tell us that you and I need to ride our bikes to work.    

**There is more – click the link**

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3 Responses to “Tom McClintock’s Speech at Western CPAC”

  1. Says:

    Leave it to Tom to clearly and cleverly point out how misguided “feel good” laws have dire consequences.

    It’s a great speech and deserves wide distribution.

  2. Says:

    Let’s see if i got it right. climate change is real and dangerous, but related to geophysical things we canno effect.

    Political efforts to do so only monkey with the marketplace to our detriment.

    But such policy will eventually produce a Republican reaction mognst voters.

    BUT – not next year.

  3. Says:

    This was a fantastic speech, in the Reagan mold, that proved that simply “breathing” affects the liberal’s calculations of what should be regulated under the “global warming” umbrella. Tom McClintock is a true hero.