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Jon Fleischman

U.S. Rep, John Campbell: “John Doolittle should retire.”

From the AP Wire:

Calif. GOP House member says Doolittle shouldn’t seek re-election
Associated Press Newswires

WASHINGTON (AP) – Republican Congressman John Campbell of Orange County says it would be best if fellow GOP Representative John Doolittle doesn’t run for re-election.

Campbell, who made his comments Wednesday in an interview with The Associated Press, is the first of Doolittle’s colleagues in the House to call publicly for him to step aside.

Doolittle, a nine-term conservative from Rocklin, is under federal investigation in the influence-peddling probe of jailed lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

He barely won re-election last year in one of the most conservative districts in California, and Republicans are growing increasingly concerned that next year he won’t survive.

2 Responses to “U.S. Rep, John Campbell: “John Doolittle should retire.””

  1. Says:

    Thank you Congressman for stepping up to the plate here in regards to calling on Cong. Doolittle to retire. It’s obvious he can’t win re-election at this point.

  2. Says:

    Kudos to Congressman Campbell for making this call.

    Now, we urge the rest of the GOP California Congressional Delegation to follow suit!