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Jon Fleischman

Will Nunez release tax returns? Disclose wife’s client list?

It’s a crazy morning here at Flash-Central, which is good our friends over at the California Term Limits Defense Fund.  They released this just now, which will bring to you in this space:

Calls for Speaker to Make Full Financial Disclosure to Put Questions to Rest 

The California Term Limits Defense Fund (CTLDF) today called on Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez to immediately release all of his tax returns since he assumed the Speakership and to also fully disclose the clients list and income of his wife’s consulting firm.

**There is more – click the link**

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4 Responses to “Will Nunez release tax returns? Disclose wife’s client list?”

  1. Says:

    It’s so sad to see the outsiders running the anti-term limits reform campaign at work. Apparently they don’t know that state law requires the Speaker to report all of his income, as well as his wife’s, on his Statement of Economic Interest form. It’s all there, available on the web, for the world to see.

  2. Says:


    What’s wrong with asking the Speaker for full disclosure of his tax returns for the past 6 years? Does Mr. Nunez have something to hide?

    Statement of Economic Interests Form 700 is just merely a broad document by checking off few boxes. I have seen these forms before.

    What is sad that the Speaker doing everything in his power to avoid talking with the press about his lavish lifestyle?

    Mr. Nunez should bury the hatchet by coming forward with the tax returns and be honest with the rest of the “Middle Class” Califorians regarding his lifestyle!

  3. Says:

    Allen, please climb out from under that rock you live under. The Speaker has been all over the paper and airwaves the last three days.

    Form 700 is not a “broad document.” All his income is from his legislative duties, which is widely available. His wife’s income also is listed on 700 and ohter forms.

  4. Says:


    Well, quite frankly, at least under my rock I live by modest middle class means.

    Widely available? Where is it? I can’t even find it either at the Secretary of State, FPPC or Assembly home pages.

    I even made attempts to Google it. Show me and the world the link!