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Jon Fleischman

Who is your bodyguard, Mr, Speaker? And who pays for him?

By now, just about everyone who is anyone in California politics, or who reports on the goings-on in California politics, has viewed the video clip of Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez running away from an ABC News camera and reporter rather than answer questions about lavish campaign expenditures on a lifestyle that Nunez calls "middle class" but is clearly much more…  (Nearly 4,000 had watched this particular YouTube clip).

The question we all would like answered is that posed by the ABC News reporter towards the end of the video — about Nunez’ bodyguard.  Who is he?  And perhaps more importantly, who pays for him?  Is he a CHP plain clothes officer?  A staffer for the Assembly?  Or perhaps a hired mercenary on campaign payroll?   Or perhaps he is an employee of one of the special interests that Nunez is gauging to pay for his term-limits end-run ballot measure.

Below is a still image pulled from the video, showing "The Bodyguard" — do you know who his is?  Let us know!

One Response to “Who is your bodyguard, Mr, Speaker? And who pays for him?”

  1. Says:

    Not on the Speaker payroll or State payroll, and, in fact, we have no idea who he is. The Speaker does not have a “bodyguard.”