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Resource Center or Criminal Hang-out

The Orange City Council tonight will hear a report from their city attorney on "…continued viability of the Resource Center and secondary impacts of day laborer solicitation."

Several city council members have expressed concern in recent months that the "Resource Center" was nothing more than a haven for illegal aliens seeking work.  Work being a noble cause, being here illegally being, well illegal.

Reports of a nearby gas station owner saying day laborers urinate on the side of his building, gambling (sounds like fun) and pitching coins which block sidewalks, customers avoiding businesses where laborers congregate and potential employers (we’ll call them John’s) causing traffic hazards as they slow and solicit for "workers" are all reasons for the review.

Opened in 1990, the Resource Center was heralded as a centralized location for employment solicitation activity that would substantially minimize the negative impacts on residents and businesses from day worker solicitation.  While the Resource Center has had success matching employers with day laborers, it has failed to provide any measurable relief from these negative impacts.  The negative secondary impacts of day laborer solicitation continues to be widespread, numerous, and recurrent.  In addition, it is clear that 80% or more of day laborer solicitation at the Resource Center likely involves an undocumented worker, solicitation that violates federal law.  The Resource Center has become a forum for individuals to enter into employment relationships that violate the Immigration and Nationality Act (the “Act”). 

The Orange County Register today quotes both Mayor Cavecche expressing frustration over the lack of Federal enforcement of immigration laws and Councilman Denis Bilodeau’s concern over the city funding for the Resource Center.

Expect a lively meeting tonight…I’ll report on the outcome, fireworks later in the week.