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Shawn Steel

LA Times goes bonkers or just another day at the office?

L.A.Times Publisher David Hiller must have whipped his reporters into a Leftist frenzy for today’s paper. This must be part of  the publisher’s  bold strategy to win over the Move On Dot Com crowd to increase circulation.

On the front page alone are 4 major articles ranging from the growing popularity of Hillary contrasted to the boom-let for Che’s legacy in Latin America. Normally Janet Hook and Mark Barabak  demonstrate a little  independence but not in today’s lead article. Two reporters who should know better, happily interview a sole democrat in their first 3 paragraphs of why all democrats are now more comfortable with Hillary. Ultimately, they point out that Clinton is ahead of Obama. That’s the lead story ! 

Patrick McDonnell writes glowingly of a new Stalinesque statue of serial murderer Che Guevara in Marxist Bolivia. He reports that " Socialism is in, the Cubans are on the march, and Che is the defiant embodiment of it all." McDonnell is not quoting anyone. He is quoting himself. He probably wouldn’t pass high school journalist with that.  

Another front page obligatory story interviews a couple of Iraqis calling Blackwater guards to task for protecting Americans. I wonder who the Times hires to protect reporter Tina Susman?

Finally, a puff piece on faithful hard working Muslims forced to work in Egypt”s racy resorts. Their faith compromised amid the sin and salaciousness for serving tourists alcohol. . Usually reporter Jeffrey Fleischman is more competent. He fails to mention that most of the tourists are Muslims or non Christians. Fleischman implies that the only guests at Sharm el Sheik are Christians. The biggest spenders, as everyone knows [except Fleischman]  are the Saudis

Once you stagger through the these PC pieces you will find inside; a full page devoted to Che’s revolution; a second story against Blackwater by Tina Susman ; a story  by Paul Watson blaming the US for unexploded ordnance hurting villagers in Laos. Only one mention that the communists ruled Laos since 1975. Because of that Laos remains one of the poorest countries in the world. David  Savage chimes in from Washington with another America-is-guilty  Rendition Story.  Where was David in WW2?

Finally, the news merges marginally into the Editorial Page with a blast against Bush’s ""Heartless and clueless" veto of the phony SCHIP bill. 

The dinosaur LA Times media continues to lose readership. That’s easy to understand. Readers don’t have the patience to trudge  through of dozens of column inches of festering anti American propaganda.