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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Exclusive Interview With GOP Strategist Arnie Steinberg, Part I

I’ve known Arnold Steinberg for nearly twenty years, and he had been involved in political campaigns and causes long before we became aquainted, and developed our longtime friendship.

Strategist Arnie Steinberg has been involved in virtually every phase of political and advertising campaigns.  Also, he has created more than 1600 opinion survey projects and focus groups and has testified as an expert witness frequently on elections, public opinion, advertising, and related issues.  For major litigation, he has helped develop legal strategy and jury profiles.  Many years ago, he wrote two graduate textbooks on politics and media.  He has served on various government and foundation boards.  Currently, Steinberg provides strategic counsel and survey research to private clients and selected political clients.

I was very excited to interview Arnie because, as you will see, he pulls no punches in speaking his mind…

**There is more – click the link**

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One Response to “Today’s Commentary: Exclusive Interview With GOP Strategist Arnie Steinberg, Part I”

  1. Says:

    So it’s the media that’s the problem? I don’t think so. “Republican legislative leaders … have not made their case in the media … The public does not understand what they are talking about … People think they are upset at the governor because he is a “moderate Republican” who is against global warming. Republican legislators are easily caricatured by a media eager to define abortion and homosexuality as issues that dominate party conventions.” But abortion and homosexuality (“gay marriage”) ARE what the Republican Party is all about. And that is why the Republican Party candidates lose election after election. Instead of running moderate candidates who care about making government as effective and efficient as possible in order to hold down taxes and deliver the maximum effort, Republicans run far right candidates who can only talk about “gay marriage” and abortion. Of course, this would violate the sacred “basic principles” of the Republican Party, especially as defined by the Ralph Reed/Jerry Falwell/James Dobson/Pat Robertson/Grover Norquist people who dominate the Republican Party in California. And that is why Republican’s in the legislature and the governors chair are a very endangered species and not because they can’t get their message out. The people who dominate the Republican Party in California are getting their message out loud and clear and they are losing elections because of that message.