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Shawn Steel

Muslims Sue FBI in California

Hussam Ayloush is suing again.  As Executive Director of the Greater Los Angeles Area Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), Ayloush is a constant litigant, using American justice to intimidate and bully. He sued me a couple of years ago in Orange County for defamation for an article I wrote about his organization CAIR.  Ayloush’s suit was promptly dismissed by the Superior Court.  Attorney fees were awarded against him because of his lack of understanding of the 1st Amendment. 

Ayloush’s group, CAIR, has been named an un-indicted co-conspirator of a terror funding case…

This time his target is the FBI.  With the ACLU leading the charge, the lawsuit complains that the FBI is investigating and surveilling, " Muslim organizations, mosques and individuals from Southern California."  Thank goodness the FBI might be doing  its job!

Ayloush claims he is working for religious freedom, but a quick look at CAIR’s recent history discloses that many of its officials are sitting behind federal bars for engaging in terrorist activities.

Ranjana Natarajan of the ACLU represents CAIR and other Muslim groups in the lawsuit.  Natarajan recently spoke to the Shura Council of Southern California back on June 10th. The topic was how to answer questions posed by the FBI or other authorities regarding Homeland Security issues.  I imagine the 5th Amendment was discussed in detail.

CAIR is an organization that needs a serious public examination. It has repeatedly attacked holding terrorists at Guantanamo Bay, any surveillance of Muslim extremists in this country and defended nearly every Muslim accused, tried and convicted for  terrorist actions. CAIR refuses to disclose its finances. Some believe that they are funded by Saudi donors. 

There a beehive of Muslim organizations involved in the lawsuit including Islamic Centers in San Gabriel, Rowland Heights, Hawthorne, Corona and Anaheim.  IslamiCity, a website, is part of the case. You might want to look at their website to find the Al Anwar Islamic Fashion store in downtown Anaheim for women. You won’t be surprised.  

Robert Spencer Jihad expert and author had this to day about Ayloush:

" Hussam Ayloush is one of the most personally repellent employees of an organization that routinely employs nasty characters. In a  FrontPage Symposium in which he and I, along with several others, participated, and in which, true to form, he traffics in smears and contempt but offers little in the way of substantive argument.  " See here

As the Left makes common cause with Jihadists against their free market/JudeoChristian opponents, Americans are becoming more aware of the threat of a domestic insurgency. In the Right there are two primary views of radical Islam. . Either Islam is an irredeemable death cult or it is going through a temporary crisis before Islam has its own Enlightenment, which I believe. 

Ayloush represents a hateful side of Islam. His latest lawsuit is not designed to improve American security or constitutional freedoms  but to help mobilize those opposing America and supporting extremists here in Southern California. 

One Response to “Muslims Sue FBI in California”

  1. Says:

    Shawn, this is what happens when you don’t wish someone a happy Ramadan…